What is a LEEP procedure?

A LEEP procedure is treatment for an abnormal colposcopy showing high grade cellular changes (also known as HSIL). The treatment not only removes the abnormal area but also provides a bigger specimen for the lab to analyze. A thin wire loop is inserted through the vagina and uses electric current to remove a cone shaped portion of the cervix.

Where is it performed?

LEEP procedures are performed in the Operating Room at the Canmore General Hospital.

Will it be painful?

During the procedure, you will receive IV sedation as well as freezing in your cervix. You will likely be asleep and unaware of the procedure as it is happening.  Afterwards, you may have some cramping which can be managed with tylenol and ibuprofen.

How long will it take?

The procedure itself takes less than five minutes, however you will arrive at the hospital a few hours before, and stay for a few hours after the procedure. Please do not schedule any other appointments or work on the day of your LEEP.


Do I need a ride to the hospital?

You can get to the hospital in whatever way you wish, but you will need a ride home from the hospital as you will not be allowed to drive for 24 hours after your IV sedation.

What can I expect after the procedure?

Discharge It is normal to have vaginal discharge for at least 2 weeks. It is initially watery, and over time becomes more like mucous.

Cramping Most people have cramping for a few days which can be managed with Tylenol and ibuprofen.

Bleeding A small amount of vaginal bleeding is normal following the procedure and is associated with the healing process. Please note that your first period after the procedure is likely to be a bit heavier.

If you develop a foul-smelling discharge, and/or fever and lower abdominal pain, please see your GP or go to the Emergency Department.

If you are bleeding enough to soak a full pad in an hour (and you are not expecting your menstrual period), please go to directly to the Emergency Department.

If you experience any complications or have questions, please call us at 403-609-0243.


Are there any restrictions after the procedure?

No strenuous physical activity (running/heavy lifting) for 7 days.

No swimming, hot tubs, or baths for 4 weeks.

No sexual intercourse for 4 weeks (wait until bleeding stops if that is longer).

No tampon use for 4 weeks.


Do I need time off work? 

Most people take 1-2 days off work after the procedure. Please ask us for a note if you require one for work.


When do I get my results?

It takes about 3-4 weeks to receive the pathology from the procedure. Please phone our office (403-609-0243) to book a follow-up which will be scheduled for 4-6 weeks after your LEEP. Generally, a colposcopy is repeated about 6 months following the LEEP to check if there are any abnormal cells remaining after the LEEP.


Any other questions can be directed to our clinic by phone 403-609-0243 or email reception@canmoreobgyn.com

Updated Mar 22 2023